6 strategic places to repurpose content from.

Unlock the potential of your content, and make it go much further, with these six strategic places to repurpose content from! 🔄

1️⃣ Comments on other people's posts: When you comment on other peoples posts and answer questions in Facebook groups, you build connections and establish thought leadership. But this can be turned into content for your social channels. Screenshot from your mobile to create easy stories, or copy and paste your comments/answers into your planner for new posts.

2️⃣ About page on your website: Showcase your expertise and engage your audience with relevant content that complements your brand story. Use your about section to pull out your story and create some posts.

3️⃣ Blog posts: Extend the life of your content by transforming it into engaging captions that drive traffic and boost your search engine rankings. we find when we do this with clients eon blog post often generates multiple posts.

4️⃣ Emails: Look back through your earlier emails. Many of them can become social media posts, and work well as evergreen content.

5️⃣ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page: You already have lots of FAQs that you cover with clients, you might also have a FAQ page on your website. Use that as a basis for social media posts, knowing that you are directly answering your audiences burning questions!

6️⃣ Existing long form content like Facebook Posts: Leverage the content you've already written. Choose long-form sites like Facebook to get the most content for repurposing.

⭐ Don't let your amazing content go to waste!

Repurpose it strategically and maximize its reach. 🙂

Only a small fraction of your audience see each post, so you can absolutely re-run or repurpose content. Not to mention that we need to hear messages multiple times for it to really sink in, so this repetition is key to your brand becoming memorable.


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